Ecological Modelling
The aim of this work is the sustainable multi-use management of fishery resources, to which we try to contribute via numerical modelling. |
- Boschetti F, Lozano-Montes, & Stelfox, 2020, Modelling regional futures at decadal scale: application to the Kimberley region, Scientific Reports, Accepted
- Boschetti, Babcock, Doropoulos, Thomson, Feng, Slawinski, Berry & Vanderklift, 2019, Setting priorities for conservation initiatives at the interface between ocean circulation, larval connectivity, and population dynamics, Ecological Applications, Accepted.
- Melbourne-Thomas, Constable, Fulton, Corney, Trebilco, Hobday, Blanchard, Boschetti, Bustamante, Cropp, Everett, Fleming, Galton-Fenzi1, Goldsworthy, Lenton, Lara-Lopez, Little, Marzloff, Matear, Mongin, Plagyanyi, Proctor, Risbey, Robson, Smith, Sumner, & van Putten, 2017, Integrated modelling to support decision-making for marine social-ecological systems in Australia, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74 (9), 2298-2308.
- Fulton, Boschetti F, Sporcic, Jones, Little, Gray, Scott & Gorton, 2015, A multi-model approach to stakeholder engagement in complex environmental problems, Environmental Science and Policy, 44-56, DOI information: 10.1016/j.envsci.2014.12.006.
- Boschetti F., de La Tour, A., Fulton B., & Little, R. L., 2010, Interactive modelling for natural resource management, Environmental Modelling and Software, 25(10), 1075-1085 ; doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.02.009.
- Boschetti F., 2010, Detecting behaviours in ecological models. Ecological Complexity, Volume 7(1), pp 76-85, doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2009.05.014.
- Boschetti, McDonald and Brede, A rapid assessment agent based model for natural resource management, ModSim07, ChristChurch, NZ, December 2007
- Boschetti F., 2007, Improving resource exploitation via Collective Intelligence by assessing agents' impact on the community outcome, Ecological Economics, 63, pages 553-562.