Fabio Boschetti,
Research Scientist,
CSIRO Ocean & Atmosphere, Australia
Complex System Science
Ecological Modelling
Decision Making & Complexity
Modelling Human Behaviour
Urban Studies
Animal Movement & Abudance
Attitudes, Social Processes & Models
Future Studies
Modelling the future of the Kimberley region
Surveys & Toy Model
Visualisation of scientific data
Book Reviews, Blogs & Ideas

Welcome. In this site you can find a broad description of my research as well the more technical details collected in my publications.

I am an applied mathematician. Not a specialist, but one with a fairly broad knowledge in different areas. For several years my work has focused on geoscientific applications. Now I work in Complex System Science and I apply my work to Ecological Modelling, Management of Natural Resources and Decision Making.

The aim of my current research is to improve our understanding of how we can best model ecosystems and their interaction with human activities. We know that ecological and human systems are 'complex'; from the one hand, we need to address this complexity, accounting for multiple phenomena interacting at different scales, uncertainty, many degrees of freedom and feedback cycles messing up causal relations. From the other hand, we need to simplify our analysis to make it manageable. Finding some sort of workable compromise is what most of my research is about.