Fabio Boschetti,
Research Scientist,
CSIRO Ocean & Atmosphere, Australia
Complex System Science
Ecological Modelling
Decision Making & Complexity
Modelling Human Behaviour
Urban Studies
Animal Movement & Abudance
Attitudes, Social Processes & Models
Future Studies
Modelling the future of the Kimberley region
Surveys & Toy Model
Visualisation of scientific data
Book Reviews, Blogs & Ideas

Surveys & Toy Models

Online Surveys


Questionnaire used in the experiement in Boschetti, Hardy, Grigg & Horwitz, 2011, Can we learn how complex systems work?, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 13, 4, 47-62.

Toy Models

In complex system science, ecological modelling, economic modelling and the like, models are mostly understood as scenario testing or predictive tools, but there is an increasing awareness of their potential as flight-simulators, training users to fly in the space of management challenges and to land on the appropriate strategy. Here you can find some of the models we developed. For more information see Boschetti, Hardy, Grigg & Horwitz, 2011, Can we learn how complex systems work?, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 13, 4, 47-62.

With further effort it is possible to build similar models to address other dynamical processes characterising complex systems, like phase transitions, tipping points, hysteresis, and oscillations. These could stand for exercise machines in a virtual gym for system managers.

Model Purpose Manual Download Type
APE A simplified and general model to study the dynamics of the interaction between people, their activities and the environment The APE Model Download Executable from Matlab model
BathLab Designed to train on a simple dynamical system involving stocks & flows BathLab Quick Help Download Executable from Matlab model
Stock&Flows Designed to train on a dynamical system involving multiple stocks & flows Manual Use online NetLogo Applet
Tourism Model Study the interaction between Tourists, infrastructure and environment in tourism development Modified from 'Casagrandi, R. and S. Rinaldi. 2002. Conservation Ecology 6(1): 13' Use online NetLogo Applet