Fabio Boschetti,
Research Scientist,
CSIRO Ocean & Atmosphere, Australia
Complex System Science
Ecological Modelling
Decision Making & Complexity
Modelling Human Behaviour
Urban Studies
Animal Movement & Abudance
Attitudes, Social Processes & Models
Future Studies
Modelling the future of the Kimberley region
Surveys & Toy Model
Visualisation of scientific data
Book Reviews, Blogs & Ideas


Refereed Papers (Journals or Books)

  1. Thebaud, Boschetti, 2024, A tale of two sectors: offshore wind and fisheries out for a row in the ocean, Journal of Environmental Management, 359, 121060, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121060
  2. Spillias, Tuohy, Andreotta, Annand-Jones, Boschetti, Cvitanovic, Duggan, Fulton, Karcher, Paris, Shellock, Trebilco, 2024, Human-AI Collaboration to Identify Literature for Evidence Synthesis, Cell Reports Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crsus.2024.100132
  3. Boschetti, Feng, Zhang, Hartog & Hobday, 2023, Sea Surface Temperature Predictability at the interface between oceanographic modelling and machine learning, Deep-Sea Research Part II, 210, 105308, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2023.105308
  4. Subramaniam, Ruwet, Boschetti, Fielke, Fleming, Martinez, Plagányi, Schrobback & Melbourne-Thomas, 2023, The socio-ecological resilience and sustainability: implications of seafood supply chain disruption, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-023-09788-1
  5. Beckensteiner, Boschetti & Thébaud, 2023, Adaptive fisheries responses may lead to climate maladaptation in the absence of access regulations, npj Ocean Sustainability, 2:3, https://doi.org/10.1038/s44183-023-00010-0
  6. Andreotta, Boschetti, Farrell, Paris, Walker & Hurlstone, 2022, Evidence for three distinct climate change audience segments with varying belief updating tendencies: Implications for climate change communication, Climatic Change, 174 (3-4); https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-022-03437-5
  7. Feng, Boschetti, Ling, Zhang, Hartog, Akhtar, Li, Luo & Hobday, 2022, Predictability of sea surface temperature anomalies at the eastern pole of the Indian Ocean Dipole - Using a convolutional neural network model, Frontiers in Climate, 4, DOI=10.3389/fclim.2022.925068
  8. Kelly, Foley, Stephenson, Hobday, Pecl, Boschetti, Cvitanovic, Fleming, Fulton, Nash, Neis, Singh, van Putten, 2022, Foresighting future oceans: Considerations and opportunities, Marine Policy, 140, 105021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105021
  9. McLean, Ferreira, Benthuysen, Miller, Schläppy, Ajemian, Berry, Birchenough, Bond, Boschetti F., et al.., 2022, Influence of offshore oil and gas structures on seascape ecological connectivity, Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.16134
  10. Cvitanovic, Mackay, Kelly, Wilson, Waples Nash, van Putten, Field, Botterill-James, Austin, Beckley, Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation, Boschetti F, et al.., 2021, Thirty critical research needs for managing an ecologically and culturally unique remote marine environment: the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Ocean & Coastal Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105771
  11. Robinson, van Putten, Cavve, Longo, Watson, Bellchambers, Fisher & Boschetti F, 2021, Understanding societal approval of the fishing industry and the influence of third-party sustainability certification, Fish & Fisheries, https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12583
  12. Boschetti F, Bulman, Hobday, Fulton, Contardo, Lozano-Montes, Robinson, Smith, Strzelecki, van Putten, 2020, Sectoral futures are conditional on choices of global and national scenarios – Australian marine examples, Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:563205, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.563205
  13. Haas, Mackay, Novaglio, Fullbrook, Murunga, Sbrocchi, McDonald, McCormack, Alexander, Fudge, Goldsworthy, Fabio Boschetti, Dutton, Dutra, McGee, Russeau, Spain, Stephenson, Vince, Wilcox & Haward, 2020, The future of ocean governance, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-020-09631-x
  14. Novaglio, Bax, Fabio Boschetti, Emad, Frusher, Fullbrook, Hemer, Jennings, van Putten, Robinson, Spain, Vince, Voyer, Wood & Fulton, 2020, Deep aspirations: towards a sustainable offshore Blue Economy, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 32, 209–230, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-020-09628-6
  15. Hobday, Fabio Boschetti, Moeseneder, Stephenson, Bessey, Bulman, Contardo, Cvitanovic, Dambacher, Dutra, Fulton, Lenton, Little, Mapstone, McDonald, Plaganyi, Pethybridge, Rothlisberg, Strzelecki, Thompson, van Putten, 2020, Quantitative foresighting as a means of improving anticipatory scientific capacity and strategic planning, One Earth 3(5): 631-644
  16. Boschetti F, Lozano-Montes, & Stelfox, 2020, Modelling regional futures at decadal scale: application to the Kimberley region, Scientific Reports, 10, 849, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-56646-x - Pre-Print
  17. Thomson, Babcock, Haywood, Vanderklift, Pillans, Bessey, Cresswell, Orr, Boschetti & Wilson, 2020, Zone specific trends in coral cover, genera and growth-forms in the World-Heritage listed Ningaloo Reef, Marine Environmental Research, 160, 105020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105020
  18. Robinson, Fardin & Boschetti, 2020, Clarifying the current role of a social licence in its legal and political context: an examination of mining in Western Australia, Resources Policy, 67, 101649, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101649
  19. Boschetti, Prunera, Vanderklift, Thomson, Babcock, Doropoulos, Cresswell & Lozano-Montes, 2019, Information-theoretic measures of ecosystem change, sustainability and resilience, ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz105, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz105 - Pre-Print
  20. Boschetti, Babcock, Doropoulos, Thomson, Feng, Slawinski, Berry & Vanderklift, 2019, Setting priorities for conservation initiatives at the interface between ocean circulation, larval connectivity, and population dynamics, Ecological Applications, doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2011 - Pre-Print
  21. Vanderklift, Babcock, Boschetti F, Haywood, Pillans & Thomson , 2019, Declining abundance of coral reef fish in a World-Heritage-listed marine park, Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-8.
  22. van Putten, Boschetti, Ling, Richards, 2019, Perceptions of system-identity and regime shift for marine ecosystems, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76(6), pp 1736–1747, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz058.
  23. Andreotta, Nugroho, Hurlstone, Boschetti F, Farrell, Walker, & Paris, 2019, Analyzing social media data: A mixed-methods framework combining computational and qualitative text analysis, Behavioral Research Methods, doi.org/10.3758/s13428-019-01202-8.
  24. Prokopenko, Harre, Lizier, Boschetti F, Peppas & Kau mand, 2019, Self-referential basis of undecidable dynamics: from The Liar Paradox and The Halting Problem to The Edge of Chaos, Physics of Life Reviews, 31, 134-156, doi 10.1016/j.plrev.2018.12.003
  25. McDonald, Hobday, Thompson, Lenton, Stephenson, Mapstone, Dutra, Bessey, Boschetti F, Cvitanovic, Bulman, Fulton, Moeseneder, Pethybridge, Plagányi, van Putten & Rothlisberg, 2019, Proactive, reactive and inactive pathways for scientists in a changing world, Earth's Future, doi:10.1029/2018EF000990
  26. Boschetti, Hughes, Jones & Lozano-Montes, 2018, On Decision Makers’ Perceptions of What an Ecological Computer Model is, What It Does, and Its Impact on Limiting Model Acceptance, Sustainability, 10, 2767; doi:10.3390/su10082767
  27. Moglia, Cork, Boschetti F, Cook, Bohensky, Muster & Page, 2018, Urban transformation stories for the 21st century: Insights from strategic conversations, Global Environmental Change, 50, 222-237.
  28. Moglia, Boschetti F, Grigg & Walker, 2018, Mental models of cities and their relevance to urban resilience, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 20(1):10-19.
  29. Boschetti F, Gaffier, Price, Moglia & Walker, 2017, Myths of the City, Sustainability Science, 12 (4), 611-620.
  30. Chapman, Boschetti F, Fulton, Horwitz, Jones, Scherrer & Syme, 2017, Knowledge that acts: Evaluating the outcomes of a knowledge brokering intervention in Western Australia's Ningaloo Region, Environmental Management, 60 (5), 896-907.
  31. Boschetti F, Gaffier, Moglia, Walker & Price, 2017, Citizens' Perception of the Resilience of Australian cities, Sustainability Science, 12(3), 345-364, DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0429-1
  32. Boschetti F, & Andreotta, 2017, Mental models, communication and engagement in marine projects, ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw240
  33. Melbourne-Thomas, Constable, Fulton, Corney, Trebilco, Hobday, Blanchard, Boschetti, Bustamante, Cropp, Everett, Fleming, Galton-Fenzi1, Goldsworthy, Lenton, Lara-Lopez, Little, Marzloff, Matear, Mongin, Plagyanyi, Proctor, Risbey, Robson, Smith, Sumner, & van Putten, 2017, Integrated modelling to support decision-making for marine social-ecological systems in Australia, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74 (9), 2298-2308.
  34. Boschetti F, 2016, Models and people: An alternative view of the emergent properties of computational models, Complexity, 21(6), 202-213, https://doi.org/10.1002/cplx.21680
  35. Richert, Boschetti F, Walker, Price & Grigg, 2016, Testing the consistency between goals and policies for sustainable development: Mental models of how the world works today are inconsistent with mental models of how the world will work in the future, Sustainability Science, 12(1), 45-64, doi:10.1007/s11625-016-0384-2
  36. Boschetti F, Cvitanovic, Fleming & Fulton, 2016, A call for empirically based guidelines for building trust among stakeholders in environmental sustainability projects, Sustainability Science, 11(5), 855-859, doi: 10.1007/s11625-016-0382-4, Pre-Print
  37. Boschetti F, Price & Walker, 2016, Myths of the Future and Scenario Archetypes, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 111, 76-85, doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2016.06.009
  38. Boschetti F, Walker & Price, 2016, Modelling and attitudes towards the Future, Ecological Modelling, 322, 71–81, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.11.009
  39. Dutra, Thébaud, Boschetti F., Smith & Dichmont, 2015, Key issues and drivers affecting coastal and marine decisions: participatory management strategy evaluation to support adaptive management, Ocean & Coastal Management, pp 382-395, DOI information: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.08.011.
  40. Boschetti F & Vanderklift, 2015, How the movement characteristics of large marine predators affect estimates of their abundance, Ecological Modelling, 313, pp 223–236, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.06.035
  41. Dutra, Thébaud, Boschetti F., Smith & Dichmont, 2015, Key issues and drivers affecting coastal and marine decisions: participatory management strategy evaluation to support adaptive management, Ocean & Coastal Management, pp 382-395, DOI information: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.08.011.
  42. Thébaud, Boschetti F, Jennings, Smith, Pascoe, 2015, Of sets of offsets: cumulative impacts and strategies for compensatory restoration, Ecological Modelling, 312, pp. 114-124, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.04.022.
  43. Boschetti F, Fulton, Griggs, 2014, Citizens’ views of Australia’s future to 2050, Sustainability, 7(1), 222-247; doi:10.3390/su7010222
  44. Moeseneder, Dutra, Thebaud, Ellis, Boschetti F, Tickell, Dichmont, de la Mare, Pascual & Cannard, 2015, A simulation interface designed for improved user interaction and learning in water quality modelling software, Environmental Modelling & Software, 70, 86-96, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.04.006
  45. Fulton, Boschetti F, Sporcic, Jones, Little, Gray, Scott & Gorton, 2015, A multi-model approach to stakeholder engagement in complex environmental problems, Environmental Science and Policy, 44-56, DOI information: 10.1016/j.envsci.2014.12.006, Pre-Print
  46. Vanderklift, Boschetti F, Roubertie, Pillans, Haywood, Babcock, 2013, Density of reef sharks estimated by applying an agent-based model to video surveys, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 508, p 201-209, DOI:10.3354/meps10813
  47. Boschetti F, Richert, Walker, Price & Dutra, 2012, Assessing attitudes and cognitive styles of stakeholders in environmental projects involving computer modelling, Ecological Modelling, 247, 98–111, 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.07.027, Pre-Print
  48. Boschetti F & Hardman-Mountford, 2015, A Natural Dollar currency for ecological resource transactions and management, Solutions, 5(6), 54-59.
  49. Dutra, Ellis, Perez, Dichmont, de la Mare and Boschetti F., 2014, Drivers influencing adaptive management: a retrospective evaluation of water quality decisions in South East Queensland, Australia, AMBIO, 43, 8, 1069-1081, DOI: 10.1007/s13280-014-0537-4.
  50. van Putten, Boschetti F, Fulton, Smith & Thebaud, 2014, A different perspective on the relationship between ITQ management and environmental stewardship, Ecology and Society, 19(2), 35.
  51. Price, Walker & Boschetti F, 2014, Measuring cultural values and beliefs about environment to identify their role in climate change responses, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 37, 8–20
  52. Kitto & Boschetti F, 2013 Attitudes, ideologies and self-organisation: information load minimisation in multi-agents decision making, Advances in Complex Systems, 16, 2(3), 1350029, DOI: 10.1142/S021952591350029X, Pre-Print
  53. Fulton, Jones, Boschetti F, Chapman, Little, Syme, Dzidic, Gorton, Sporcic, & de la Mare, 2013, Assessing the impact of stakeholder engagement in Management Strategy Evaluation, IJEME, 3(2), 82-98, ISSN:2225-742X
  54. Symons J & Boschetti F, 2012, How Computational Models Predict the Behavior of Complex Systems, Foundations of Science, 18(4), 809-821, 10.1007/s10699-012-9307-6.
  55. Boschetti F, Fulton, Bradbury & Symons, 2012, What is a model, why people don’t trust them and why they should, Negotiating Our Future: Living scenarios for Australia to 2050 Vol 2, Raupach MR, McMichael AJ, Finnigan JJ, Manderson L, Walker BH Editors, Australian Academy of Science, pag 107-118.
  56. Alford, Manderson, Boschetti F, Davies, Hatfield Dodds, Lowe, & Perez, 2012, Australia 2050: Social perspectives, Negotiating Our Future: Living scenarios for Australia to 2050 Vol 1, Raupach MR, McMichael AJ, Finnigan JJ, Manderson L, Walker BH Editors, Australian Academy of Science, pag 93-114.
  57. Boschetti F., 2012, A computational model of a mental model used to reason about climate change, Environmental Science & Policy, 15, pp. 125-135, doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2011.09.006.
  58. Boschetti F. & Symons J, 2011, Novel properties generated by interacting computational systems: A minimal model, Complex Systems, 20(2) - Pre-Print
  59. Boschetti F., 2011, A Graphical Representation Of Uncertainty In Complex Decision Making, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 13, 1 & 2, 146-168 Pre-Print
  60. Boschetti F., 2011, Rationality, complexity and self-organisation, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 13, 1 & 2, 133-145.
  61. Boschetti F., Grigg, N, & Enting, I, 2011, Modelling = Conditional Prediction, Ecological Complexity, 8, 1, pp 86-91; 10.1016/j.ecocom.2010.06.001 - Pre-Print
  62. Boschetti, Hardy, Grigg & Horwitz, 2011, Can we learn how complex systems work?, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 13, 4, 47-62.
  63. Boschetti F., de La Tour, A., Fulton B., & Little, R. L., 2010, Interactive modelling for natural resource management, Environmental Modelling and Software, 25(10), 1075-1085 ; doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.02.009 - Pre-Print
  64. Boschetti F., 2010, Causality, emergence, computation and unreasonable expectations, Synthese, 181, 405–412, 10.1007/s11229-010-9720-8 - Pre-Print
  65. Boschetti F., 2010, Detecting behaviours in ecological models. Ecological Complexity, Volume 7(1), pp 76-85, doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2009.05.014 - Pre-Print
  66. Boschetti & Brede, 2010, Competitive scenarios, community responses and organisational implications, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 11(4), pp. 39-47.
  67. Brede & Boschetti, Analysing Weighted Networks: An Approach via Maximum Flows, Complex Sciences, in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Book Series, 4, 1093-1104, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5.
  68. Brede & Boschetti, 2009, Commons and Anticommons in a simple Renewable Resource Harvest Model, Ecological Complexity, 6, 1, pp 56-63, doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2008.10.009 - Pre-Print
  69. Prokopenko M, F.Boschetti, and Ryan A, 2009, An Information-Theoretic Primer On Complexity, Self-Organisation And Emergence, Complexity, DOI: 10.1002/cplx.20249.
  70. Boschetti & Brede, 2009, An information-based adaptive strategy for resource exploitation in competitive scenarios, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 76(4), 525-532, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2008.05.005
  71. Bertello G. , Arduin P, Boschetti F., Weatherley D., 2009, First Experiments in the application of Computational Mechanics to the analysis of seismic time series, New Generation Computing, 27, 1, pp 1-23. 10.1007/s00354-008-0052-x.
  72. Batten D, Salthe S & F.Boschetti, 2008, Visions of Evolution: Self-organization proposes what natural selection disposes, Biological Theory, Vol. 3, No. 1, Pages 17-29.
  73. Boschetti F., McDonald D., & Gray, R., 2008, Complexity of a modelling exercise: a discussion of the role of computer simulation in Complex System Science, Complexity, 13(6), pp 21-28.
  74. Brede, Boschetti & McDonald, 2008, Strategies for Resource Exploitation, Ecological Complexity, Volume 5(1), Pages 22-29.
  75. Boschetti F., 2008, A Local Linear Embedding Module For Evolutionary Computation Optimization, Journal of Euristics, Issue Volume 14, Number 1, Pages 95-116, doi:10.1007/s10732-007-9030-6.
  76. Boschetti F., 2007, Mapping the complexity of ecological models, Ecological Complexity, Vol 5/1, pp 37-47, doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2007.09.002. , Pre-Print
  77. Boschetti F.& Gray R. 2007, A Turing test for Emergence, in M. Prokopenko (ed.), Advances in Applied Self-organizing Systems, Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 2007 , pp 349-364 - Pre-Print
  78. Boschetti F. & Gray R., 2007, Emergence and Computability, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, Volume 9 Issues 1-2, 120-130.
  79. Boschetti F., 2007, Improving resource exploitation via Collective Intelligence by assessing agents' impact on the community outcome, Ecological Economics, 63, pages 553-562 - Pre-Print
  80. Galybin K, Boschetti F & Dentith M, 2007, A new approach to potential field data collection, Journal of Geodynamics, 43(2), pp 248-261
  81. Durrleman, S., Boschetti F, A. Ord, and K. Regenauer-Lieb (2006), Automatic detection of particle aggregation in particle code simulations of rock deformation, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7, Q05006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001063.
  82. Boschetti F., 2005, Improved edge detection and noise removal in gravity maps via the use of gravity gradients, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Volume 57, Issue 3 , April 2005, Pages 213-225.
  83. Boschetti F., 2004, Controlling and investigating Cellular Automata behaviour via interactive inversion and visualization of search space, New Generation Computing, Special Issues on Intertactive Evolutionary Computation, Vol.23, No.2, February 2005 - Pre-Print
  84. Boschetti F., 2004, Dimensionality reduction and visualisation of geoscienfic images via local linear embedding, Computer & Geosciences, Vol 31/6 pp 689-697
  85. Kaltwasser P., Boschetti F., and Hornby P., 2004, Measure of similarity between geological sections accounting for subjective criteria, Computer & Geosciences, Vol 31/1 pp 29-34 (CG Best Paper Award)
  86. Ord A., Boschetti F, and Hobbs B., 2004, '3D Imaging of Jointed Rock Masses', in Fractals in Geotechnical Engineering, D. Kolymbas (editor), Logos, Berlin
  87. Boschetti, F., Therond, V., and Hornby, P., 2005, Feature removal and isolation in potential field data, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 159(3),Page 833 - Pre-Print
  88. Strykowski G., Boschetti F., and Papp G. 2004, Estimation of the mass density contrasts and the 3D geometrical shape of the source bodies in the Yilgarn area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia, Journal of Geodynamics
  89. Wijns, C., Poulet, T., Boschetti F., Griffiths, C., Dyt, C., Interactive Methodology Applied to Stratigraphic Inverse Modelling, 2003, Geological Prior Information: Value and Quantification, in: A. Curtis and R. Wood (Eds.), Geological Prior Information, Geol. Soc. of London Special Publication.
  90. Trompat H., Boschetti F., and Hornby P., Improved downward continuation of potential field data, Exploration Geophysics, 2003, v34#4, pp249-256.
  91. Wijns, C., F. Boschetti and L. Moresi, Inverse modelling in geology by interactive evolutionary computation, 2003, Journal of Structural Geology, 25(10), 1615-1621, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(03)00010-5.
  92. Strykowski & Boschetti F., 2002, Reply to Fedi, M., and Rapolla, A., 1999 '3-D Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data with Depth Resolution', 64,452-461, Geophysics, 68, 400-408.
  93. Boschetti F., Wijns, C. and L. Moresi, 2002, Effective exploration and visualisation of geological parameter space, 2002, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G Cubed), 4(10), 1086).
  94. Boschetti F. and L. Moresi, 2001, Interactive Inversion in Geosciences, Geophysics, 64, 1226-1235.
  95. Boschetti F., P. Hornby and F.G. Horowitz, 2001, Wavelet based inversion of gravity data, Exploration Geophysics, 32, 48-55.
  96. Holden, Archibald, Boschetti & Jessell, 2000, Inferring geological structures using wavelet-based multiscale edge analysis and forward models, Exploration Geophysics., 31, 617-621.
  97. Hornby, P., Boschetti F., and F.G. Horowitz, Analysis of Potential Field Data in the Wavelet Domain, Geophysical Journal International, 137, 175-196, 1999
  98. Archibald, N.J., P. Gow, and F. Boschetti, Multiscale edge analysis of potential field data, 1998, Exploration Geophysics., 30, 38-44.
  99. Boschetti F., M. Dentith, R. List, Inversion of potential field data by genetic algorithms, 1997, Geophysical Prospecting, 461-478.
  100. Boschetti F., M. Dentith, R. List, A fractal based algorithm for detecting first arrivals on seismic traces, 1996, Geophysics, 61, 1095-1102.
  101. Boschetti F., M. Dentith, R. List, Inversion of seismic refraction data using Genetic Algorithms, 1996, Geophysics, 1715-1727
  102. Boschetti F., M. Dentith, R. List, A staged Genetic Algorithm for tomographic inversion of seismic refraction data, Exploration Geophysics, 1995.
  103. Boschetti F, Dentith, M., & List, R. (1995). Genetic algorithms incorporating a pseudo-subspace method. In 1995 Ieee International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1 and 2 (pp. 557-560).
  104. Boschetti F, C.Ratto, O.A.Frumento, M.Galluzzi, Numerical identification of idoneus sites for installation of anemometers, Acqua Aria, 1994.
  105. Boschetti F, O.A.Frumento, A. Pavone, C. Ratto, Identification of idoneus sites for installation of wind energy conversion systems in Liguria, H.T.E. -- Energie Alternative, 1994.
  106. Boschetti F, R.Festa, C.Ratto, O.A.Frumento, M.Galluzzi, R.Mosiello, A.Ricci, First wind power assessment in Sardinia, H.T.E. -- Energie Alternative, 1992.

  107. Refereed Papers (Conferences)

  108. Kitto, Sonnenburg, Boschetti F & Walker, 2014, Modelling Attitudes to Climate Change - An Order Effect and a Test Between Alternatives, 8th international conference on Quantum Interaction (QI-14), 30 June-3 July 2014, Conference Center Lihn, Filzbach, Switzerland.
  109. Dutra, L.X.C., Thébaud, O., Boschetti, F., Smith, A.D.M. and Dichmont, C.M. , 2015, Identifying decision drivers to support the application of Management Strategy Evaluation in the coastal zone, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2015), Gold Coast, Australia
  110. Kitto & Boschetti F, 2013, The Effects of Personality in a Social Context, CogSci 2013, 35th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany.
  111. Kitto, Boschetti F & Bruza, 2012, The Quantum Inspired Modelling of Changing Attitudes and Self-Organising Societies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, In Lambert-Mogiliansky, Ariane & Dubois, Francois (Eds.) Proceedings of Quantum Interaction 2012, Springer, Paris School of Economics, Paris.
  112. Boschetti F and Symons J, 2011, Why models’ outputs should be interpreted as predictions, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2011), Perth, WA
  113. Fulton, Jones, Boschetti F, Sporcic, De La Mare, Syme, Dzidic, Gorton, Little, Dambacher and Chapman, 2011, A multi-model approach to stakeholder engagement in complex environmental problems, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2011), Perth, WA
  114. Fulton, Gray, Sporcic, Scott, Gorton, Hepburn, Boschetti F and Thomas, 2011, Ningaloo from a systems perspective – what has it taught us?, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2011), Perth, WA
  115. Kitto, Bruza & Boschetti F, 2011, The geometric modelling of social frames and contexts, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2011), Perth, WA
  116. Grigg N, Boschetti F, Brede M & Finnigan J, A probabilistic approach to exploring low-dimensional global dynamics, Procedia Environmental Sciences Volume 6, 2011, Pages 122-135, Earth System Science 2010: Global Change, Climate and People
  117. Cannard T, Pascoe S, de la Mare W, Thebaud O, Perez P, Dutra L, Tickell S, Pascual R, Ellis N, Moeseneder C, Bayliss P, Dichmont C & Boschetti F, 2010, Triple bottom line for Catchment-to-Coast Management Strategy Evaluation in South East Queensland: accounting for environmental, social and economic dimensions of catchment management actions, Coast to Coast 2010, Actions for Change, Australia’s National Coastal Conference, 20 - 24 September, Adelaide, South Australia
  118. de la Mare W, Ellis N, Dutra l, Pascual R, Perez P, Tickell S, Cannard T, Dichmont C, Thebaud O, Bayliss P, Moeseneder C, Boschetti F & Pascoe S, 2010, A biophysical model for catchment-to-coast management strategy evaluation in South East Queensland, Australia, Coast to Coast 2010, Actions for Change, Australia’s National Coastal Conference, 20 - 24 September, Adelaide, South Australia
  119. Dutra L, de la Mare W, Perez P, Tickell S, Cannard T, Ellis N, Pascual R, Dichmont C, Thebaud O, Bayliss P, Moeseneder C, Boschetti F & Pascoe S, 2010, Catchment to Coast Management Strategy Evaluation in South East Queensland, Australia, Coast to Coast 2010, Actions for Change, Australia’s National Coastal Conference, 20 - 24 September, Adelaide, South Australia
  120. Perez P, Dutra L, Cannard T, de la Mare W, Dichmont C, Ellis N, Boschetti F, Moeseneder C, Pascual R, Tickell S, Thebaud O, Bayliss P & Pascoe S, 2010, Learning and decision-making for catchment-to-coast management strategy evaluation in South East Queensland, Australia, Coast to Coast 2010, Actions for Change, Australia’s National Coastal Conference, 20 - 24 September, Adelaide, South Australia
  121. Tickell, S, Pascual R, Ellis N, Moeseneder C, de la Mare W, Dutra L, Perez P, Cannard T, Thebaud O, Bayliss P, Dichmont C, Boschetti F & Pascoe S, 2010, Software Development for catchment-to-coast management strategy evaluation in South East Queensland, Australia, Coast to Coast 2010, Actions for Change, Australia’s National Coastal Conference, 20 - 24 September, Adelaide, South Australia
  122. Boschetti, Detecting qualitatively different behaviours in complex models, 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July 2009.
  123. Dagneaux, Boschetti, Babcock & Vanderklift, Detecting general patterns in fish movement from the analysis of fish tagging data, 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July 2009.
  124. Syme, G.J., J.M. Dambacher, P.L. Dzidic, E.A. Fulton and F. Boschetti , Integrating research, modelling and decision making: A network and knowledge processing approach for sustainable management of a coral reef, 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July 2009.
  125. Syme, Dambacher, Dzidic, Fulton, Boschetti, Integrating research, modelling and decision making: A network and knowledge processing approach for sustainable management of a coral reef, Interfacing modelling and simulation with mathematical and computational sciences 18th IMACS World Congress, MODSIM09, Cairns, Australia 13-17 July 2009 : proceedings; 2009, Cairns, Queensland
  126. Brede, Boschetti & McDonald, Managing renewable resources via Collective Intelligence, ModSim07, ChristChurch, NZ, December 2007.
  127. Brede, Boschetti & de Vries, 2007, Harvesting Heterogeneous Renewable Resources: Uncoordinated, Selfish, Team-, and Community-Oriented Strategies, 8th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference;2-5 July 2007, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia
  128. Boschetti, McDonald and Brede, A rapid assessment agent based model for natural resource management, ModSim07, ChristChurch, NZ, December 2007.
  129. N. Grigg, F. Boschetti, I.Webster, Ecological response in aquatic systems: coping with limits to predictability, Young Water Professionals conference, UNSW, Sydney, 2006.
  130. F. Boschetti, Improved Resource Exploitation by Collective Intelligence, ModSim05, Melbourne, 12-15 December, 2005.
  131. F. Boschetti, M. Prokopenko, I. Macreadie, and A.-M. Grisogono. Defining and detecting emergence in complex networks. In R. Khosla, R. J. Howlett, and L. C. Jain, editors, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 9th International Conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part IV, volume 3684 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 573-580, 2005.
  132. Hobbs B, Ord A, Regenauer-Lieb K, Boschetti F, Zhang Y & Durrlemann S, 2004, "Ab initio emergent phenomena in PFC", Proceedings of the 2nd International PFC Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, October 2004.
  133. C. Wijns, F. Boschetti, P. Kowalczyk, What if your inversion has no numerical target?, ASEG (Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists) 16th Conference & Exhibition Adelaide, Australia, 16-19 February 2003.
  134. Gessner, Wijns, Moresi, Boschetti, Ord & Sakaguchi, 2002, hree-Dimensional Flow, Fabric Development, and Strain in Deformed Rocks and the Significance for Mountain Building Processes: New Approaches, 2002 Penrose Conference, August 2002, Ascona, Switzerland.
  135. F. Boschetti and H. Takagi, Visualisation of EC landscape to accelerate EC conversion and evaluation of its effect, CEC2001, Seoul, May 2001.
  136. L. Moresi and F. Boschetti, 2001, "Interactive Inversion Of Geophysical Problems", ASEG, Brisbane, Sept 2001.
  137. T. Poulet, H. D'Escrivan, F. Boschetti, P. Hornby and F. Horowitz, 2001, New Advances In The Analysis Of Potential Field Data By Multiscale Edges, ASEG, Brisbane, Sept 2001, pag 77-80.
  138. F. Boschetti and L. Moresi, Comparison between interactive (subjective) and traditional (numerical)  inversion by Genetic Algorithms, CEC2000, San Diego, July 2000.
  139. C. Wjins, L. Moresi, F. Boschetti, and H. Takagi. Inversion in Geology by Interactive Evolutionary Computatio", Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference, Tucson 2001.
  140. Strykowski G., Boschetti F., Papp G., Gravimetric-seismic modelling: general recommendations illustrated by practical modelling problems of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, EGS_AGU meeting, Nice 2003.
  141. F. Boschetti, F. Horowitz., P. Hornby, N. Archibald, D. Holden, J. Hill,  Improved edge detection in potential field maps and graphical estimation of depth-to-the-top, SEG Expanded Abstracts, Calgary, 2000.
  142. G. Strykowski, F. Boschetti and F. Horowitz, Fast, spatial domain potential field modeling, SEG Expanded Abstracts, Calgary, 2000.
  143. F. Horowitz, G. Strykowski, F. Boschetti, P. Hornby, N. Archibald, D. Holden, P. Ketelaar and R. Woodcock, Earthworms; "multiscale" edges in the EGM96 global gravity fields, SEG Expanded Abstracts, Calgary, 2000.
  144. F. Boschetti, P. Hornby and F.G. Horowitz, Geophysical feature removal by multiscale edge suppression, ISSPA99, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, Brisbane, Australia, 1999. p 935-939.
  145. F. Boschetti, L. Moresi and K. Covin, Interactive Inversion in Geological Applications, KES99, International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, Adelaide, 1999.
  146. Hornby,P., F. Boschetti, and F. Horowitz, Application of wavelet theory to the analysis of gravity data, SEG Expanded Abstracts,  New Orleans, 1998.
  147. Boschetti, F., P. Hornby, and F.G. Horowitz, Wavelet Based Inversion of Potential Field Data, 59th EAGE Conference, Geneva, pp. F35-36, 1997.
  148. Boschetti, F., P. Hornby, and F.G. Horowitz, Analysis and Inversion of Potential Field Data in Wavelet Domain, Signal Analysis and Prediction 1, Prague,235-237, 1997.
  149. Hornby, P., F. Boschetti, F.G. Horowitz and N. Archibald, Potential Field Wavelets as a Tool in Exploration, Geol. Soc. Aust., SG2/SGTSG Meeting, 'Geological Structures and their Geophysical Signatures', 4-5th Dec. 1997, Marysville, Victoria.
  150. Boschetti F, M. Dentith, R. List, Genetic Algorithms Incorporating a Pseudo Subspace Method, - ICEC 95 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computing, November 1995, 557-560.
  151. Boschetti F, S.Farruggia, C.F.Ratto, B.Gabrielli, S.Nosengo, R.Mosiello, A.Ricci, Identification of wind and solar sites in Liguria, 1990 European Community Wind Energy Conference, 1990, Madrid, Spain.
  152. Boschetti F, O.Frumento, C Ratto, 1992, Methodology and preliminary results of a study on the impact on air quality of an incinerator located in a complex orography, Physica Medica, Vol 9, Proceedings of the VII AIFB Congress, 271-273.

Other publications (unrefereed, lightly refereed & reports)

  • Fulton, Gray, Sporcic, Scott, Little, Hepburn, Gorton, Hatfield, Fuller, Jones, De la Mare, Boschetti F, Chapman, Dzidic, Syme, Dambacher, & McDonald, Adaptive Futures for Ningaloo, Ningaloo Collaboration Cluster Final Report No. 5.3, October 2011
  • Boschetti F, Fulton, Jones & Little, The MSE stakeholder engagement tool-kit: toy-models, shuttle-models, questionnaires and surveys,World Fisheries Congress 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Dutra L, de la Mare W, Perez P, Ellis N, Tickell S, Cannard T, Thebaud O, Pascual R, Bayliss P, Moeseneder C, Dichmont C, Boschetti F & Pascoe S, 2010, Healthy Waterways Management Strategy Evaluation: Scoping Study for the Development of a 'catchment-tocoast' MSE in SE Queensland - Phase 2 – Final Report,
  • Little R, Thébaud O, Boschetti F, McDonald D, Marriott R, Wise B, Lenanton R, 2010, An Evaluation of Management Strategies for Line Fishing in the Ningaloo Marine Park, Final Report for Ningaloo Reef Project 3.2.3 Biodiversity Assessment, Ecosystem Impacts of Human Usage and Management Strategy Evaluation.
  • Boschetti, F, Grigg, N. A general simplified representation of population-environment-human activity interaction, Earth System Science 2010: Global Change, Climate and People, 10-13 May 2010 - Edinburgh, UK.
  • Grigg, N, Boschetti, F, Finnigan, J, Brede, M. A probabilistic approach to exploring global dynamics, Earth System Science 2010: Global Change, Climate and People, 10-13 May 2010 - Edinburgh, UK.
  • Boschetti, F, Brede, M., McDonald, D. Managing renewable resources via Collective Intelligence, ModSim07, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 07.
  • Batten, D., Boschetti, F., Grisogono AM., & Ryan, A., 2008, Demystifying Emergence, International School on Complexity 9th Course: Emergence in Physical and Biological Systems - Erice 12-16 April 2008.
  • Boschetti F, 2008, Inverse analysis of complex models, CSS Annual workshop; 17-19 June, 2008, Brisbane, Qld.
  • McDonald, D., Boschetti, F, Brede, M., . A rapid assessment agent based model for natural resource management, ModSim07, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 07.
  • Boschetti, F, Grigg, N., McDonald, D. Mapping model complexity, 8th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July 07.
  • Rixon A, Robinson P, Boschetti, F., 2007, The Meme as a Design Pattern for Social Learning in Agent-Based Models, unpubliched
  • Boschetti, F, Exploring the potential use of Collective Intelligence (COIN) in human communities, Econophysics Colloquium, 14-18 November 2005, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
  • Gessner, Boschetti, Sakaguchi, & Ord, 2002, 6th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Instabilities in Geomechanics, June 2-5 2002, University of Minnesota;June 2-5, 2002, University of Minnesota
  • Wijns, C., and Boschetti, F., What if inversion has no numerical target?, ASEG 2003, Adelaide.
  • Wijns, C., Boschetti, F., Takagi, H., Moresi, L., Interactive inverse modelling for non-linear earth processes, IUGG 2003.
  • Wilde, Gregory, Jones, Gessner, Alt-Epping, Boschetti, German, Gow, Wilson, Predictive numerical modelling of the Mt. Isa copper deposits, Queensland, Australia, Mineral exploration and sustainable development : proceedings of the 7th Biennial SGA Meeting on Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development, Athens, Greece, August 24-28, 2003
  • Hornby, P., Horowitz, F., and Boschetti, F., A physical interpretation of the Poisson wavelet transform of potential fields, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2002.
  • F. Boschetti and S. B. Cho, 2002, "First Steps Towards an Interactive Image Retrieval System for Geoscientific Images". Australian Korea Foundation.
  • F. Boschetti, and L. Moresi, 2001, "Various Levels of Interactivity in Geological Inversion", Chapman Conference on Exploration Geodynamics, Perth 2001.
  • K. Gessner, C. Wjins, L. Moresi, F. Boschetti, and A. Ord. "Flow partitioning in the lithosphere during core-complex formation: an interactive evolutionary computation approach using particle-in-cell finite elements", Chapman Conference on Exploration Geodynamics, Perth 2001.
  • F.G. Horowitz, P. Hornby, G. Strykowski and F. Boschetti, 2001, "Earthworms: multiscale (generalised wavelet?) analysis of the EGM96 gravity field model of the Earth", Exploration Geodynamics Chapman Conference, 19-24 August 2001, Dunsborough, Western Australia, p.89-98.
  • C. Wijns, L. Moresi, F. Boschetti, A. Ord, P. Sorjonen-Ward and B. Davies, 2001, "Bringing conceptual geological models to life", Exploration Geodynamics Chapman Conference, 19-24 August 2001, Dunsborough, Western Australia, p.171-173.
  • F. Boschetti and L. Moresi, 2001, "Solving geologic problems with interactive inversion", OFFSHORE, 61(5).
  • L. Moresi and F. Boschetti, 2000, "Interactive Inversion in Geology", AGC, Sydney.
  • F. Boschetti, F. Horowitz, P. Hornby and N. Archibald, 2000, "Enhanced Interpretation of Potential Field Maps", AGC, Sydney.
  • Boschetti F., Hornby, P., & F.G. Horowitz, 1999, "Ambiguity Analysis and the Constrained Inversion of Potential Fields", unpublished
  • Archibald, N., Boschetti, F., and Holden, D., "Visualising the geological 'edges' of US Gulf of Mexico structures", OFFSHORE, June 1999.
  • Hornby, P., F. Boschetti, and F.G. Horowitz, "Potential Field Wavelets; Towards a New Class of Algorithms for Analyzing Gravity and Magnetic Surveys",  (abstr.), EOS, Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting Supplement, 1997.
  • Hornby, P., F. Boschetti, and F. G. Horowitz, "Analysis of Gravity Images with Specialized Wavelets",  1998 Western Pacific American Geophysical Union Meeting, Taipei, p. 108,  July, 1998.
  • Hornby, P., F. Boschetti, and F. G. Horowitz, "Analysis and inversion of potential field data in the wavelet domain",  Geosciences98, Keele, UK, 1998.
  • Moresi, L., F. Boschetti, and H. Muhlhaus, "Recent developments in the modelling of the emplacement of granites in the crust and their gravity signatures",  Proceedings AGCRC Symposium - Mineral Systems and the Crust-Upper Mantle of SE Australia 1998.
  • Hornby,P., F. Horowitz, F. Boschetti, N. Archibald, "Inferring Geology  from Geophysics", AGCRC Geodynamics & Ore Deposits Conference, pp.120-122, 1997.
  • Boschetti F, G.C. Canciani, S. Farruggia, M. Galluzzi, C. Ratto, "Air quality model in complex area: an application of Regione Liguria", A.I.F.B. Meeting, Ancona, Giugno 1992.

My PhD thesis.