Theoretical and empirical studies in socio-ecological resilience
- Boschetti, Prunera, Vanderklift, Thomson, Babcock, Doropoulos, Cresswell & Lozano-Montes, 2019, Information-theoretic measures of ecosystem change, sustainability and resilience, ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz105,
- Boschetti, Babcock, Doropoulos, Thomson, Feng, Slawinski, Berry & Vanderklift, 2019, Setting priorities for conservation initiatives at the interface between ocean circulation, larval connectivity, and population dynamics, Ecological Applications, Accepted.
- Boschetti F, Lozano-Montes, & Stelfox, 2020, Modelling regional futures at decadal scale: application to the Kimberley region, Scientific Reports, Accepted
- Moglia, Boschetti F, Grigg & Walker, 2018, Mental models of cities and their relevance to urban resilience, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 20(1):10-19.
- Boschetti F, Gaffier, Moglia, Walker & Price, 2017, Citizens' Perception of the Resilience of Australian cities, Sustainability Science, 12(3), 345-364, DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0429-1.